Sports Card Consumer Studies!
Sports card Consumer Studies begin at the top – with the finished cards themselves -- and drill right on down! From the range of information available on them it is apparent that many people collaborate to produce a set of cards.
Examine several different cards. What kinds of skills and employment are involved in the production of trading cards?
Some of these include:
* archivists
* art designers
* athletes
* cartoonists
* marketers
* permissions editors
* photographers
* printers
* project coordinators
* researchers
* writers

Study the photographs on the front of a set of cards.
* Can you conduct a survey of equipment used?
* Manufacturers preferred?
As a sports or entertainment star, you are the subject of a trading card!
* What salary might you earn this year?
* How much money will you need to live per week?
* Remember to include travel/road expenses.
* What might you do with any extra income for your family and its future? For your community?
What admission do you pay when you go to see a game? Or other entertainment event?
* How many seats does your closest facility hold?
* Sketch a map of the facility, showing the different seating ranges.
* How do prices range depending upon seat location?
* Why do prices differ?
* Assign the average price per seat for each different area.
* What kinds of expenses does the facility have even when no games are played?
* What else does the facility offer to help pay its daily expenses?
Sports cards make neat study units in consumer trends and commodity values.
* Where can you find sets of cards for sale or collection?
* What features help the seller set the selling price?
* What is a “rare” card? What features make it valuable?
How do trading card expositions divide up floor space?
* Sell booths?
* How many people would be needed to run a sports card expo in your school?
* What responsibilities would each person have?
* How would you calculate the ticket price to be paid at the gate?
* To break even, how many people paying your ticket price would need to attend?
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Want to make a great addition for your Consumer Studies / Business / Economics curriculum? Check this out.

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